Have you been relentlessly pursuing happiness and fulfillment but feel stuck and empty inside?

I work with conscious people ready to take their development to the next level. I am a High Sensory Life Coach with an ability to sense the blocks holding you back and align you energetically with your truth. The outcome is to give you a profound awakening to an abiding sense of peace and fulfillment.

High Sensory Life Coach


High Sensory Life Coach

Julie Aird

Founder of Julie Aird Life Coaching

As a High Sensory Person, I am very aware of how others are feeling, and can sense if they are unhappy, depressed, stressed out, or stuck. I know if they feel fulfilled in their relationships, in their work, or within themselves. And I can sense the root of the issue – why they keep doing what they are doing, even though they are unhappy about it.  I know if they are driven by false beliefs, which lead to the rules, shoulds, and expectations they put on themselves. In our coaching sessions, we identify and release the false beliefs that drive your unhappiness. Then we instill new, positive beliefs. When you are secure in knowing your worth and value, I teach you how to align with your true self and live from that space every day. This is what brings true fulfillment!

Purpose Alignment

These sessions are exclusively for people who've worked hard to create success and meaning. If you are at a crossroads feeling unfulfilled and wondering "Is this all there is to life?" then this process will be invaluable for you. I have an ability to tune into your emotional blocks and identify false belief systems. This then allows us to re-engage you with the truth of who you are resulting in a profound and swift healing process.

The Discovery Call

A no obligation free initial session to identify the issues


A safe experience of tuning into your current reality

The Engagement

Once you are ready we can select a coaching package

Identify & Release

A powerful process of clarifying and letting go

The Outcome

We carefully consider the possible outcomes available


Embrace, love, and live from your true self

The Outcome​

The Outcome

Stop seeking fulfillment from without and find it from within

Know who you truly are, that you are enough, and that you’re a perfect expression of Love; you’re meant to be you

Feelings of despair, loneliness, depression, worthlessness, and fear dissipate; peace, acceptance, wholeness, purpose, fulfillment, and self-love emerge


In a safe and supportive space, explore what currently is

What you really want, what you truly value, and what’s most important to you

We take an honest look at where you’re at and what you’re currently experiencing


Identify & Release

Identify & Release

Do the important work

We get clear on the beliefs causing your lack of fulfillment

Through using specific tools, you release these beliefs on a powerful, energetic level


Become the light you were meant to shine

We explore your personality, your gifts and talents, and your hidden challenges

We instill new, positive beliefs on an energetic level; embrace and love who you are and own that what you have to bring to the world is important

Learn how to align with your heart so you can live from this space every day; fully be yourself and live your truth, feeling more and more fulfilled


What others are saying!

Included in your package

Choose your package

Choose an option that suits you the best.

The Starter
$ 377 monthly or $1111 full pay
  • 3 months
  • 6 sessions
The Journey
$ 347 monthly or $1997 full pay
  • 6 months
  • 12 sessions
The Destination
$ 317 monthly or $2711 full pay
  • 9 months
  • 18 sessions

Get Your Free Discovery Call

Book Today!

If you would like to book a free no obligation discovery call with me, please go ahead and use the link below to open my calendar. This will send you all the details you need along with confirmation of the session time. I look forward to meeting you! ~ Thank you for your interest and we will speak soon.

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